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Hypercalcemia: is defined as serum calcium >10.3 mg/dL

PTH should be performed

If the PTH is high:

  • Primary hyper-parathyroidism or Familial benign hypercalcemia.
  • To differentiate, we determine urinary calcium which will be high in Primary hyper-parathyroidism and low in Familial benign hypercalcemia.

If the PTH is low:

  • Order Parathyroid Hormone-Related Peptide (PTHrP).
    • High PTHrP is suggestive of cancer.
    • Low/normal PTHrP order Vitamin D: Low results are suggestive of cancer while high values are suggestive of lymphoma or granulomatous disease (ex. Sarcoidosis).
Serum Ca > 10.3 mg/dL
Order intact PTH
Low PTH High PTH
Order Parathyroid Hormone-Related Peptide (PTHrP) Primary hyper-parathyroidism or Familial benign hypercalcemia
High PTHrP is suggestive of cancer Low/normal PTHrP

order Vitamin D
order urinary calcium

suggestive of cancer

suggestive of lymphoma or granulomatous disease

Primary hyper-parathyroidism

Familial benign hypercalcemia

Hypocalcemia: Serum calcium < 8.2 mg/dL

  • Check serum albumin and calculate the corrected calcium

                  If low corrected calcium: determine intact Parathyroid hormone (PTH), creatinine (Cr), phosphorus (P) and Magnesium (Mg).

  • Low PTH, normal Cr, normal/high P and low Mg: Magnesium deficiency.
  • Low PTH, normal Cr, normal/high P and normal Mg: Hypo-parathyroidism.
  • Normal PTH, normal Cr, normal/low P, normal Mg and low albumin: Hypo-albuminemia
  • High PTH, normal Cr, Normal/low P and normal Mg: check vitamin D deficiency.
  • High PTH, high Cr, normal/high P and normal Mg: Renal Disease or pseudo-hypo-parathyroidism
Serum calcium < 8.2 mg/dL
Order serum albumin
If < 4.0 g/dL If > 4.0 g/dL
Use corrected Ca Use result value
Use result value
If still < 8.2 mg/dL If result became normal
Order intact Parathyroid hormone (PTH) creatinine (Cr) phosphorus (P) Magnesium (Mg)
Low PTH normal Cr normal/high P normal Mg Low PTH normal Cr normal/high P low Mg Normal PTH normal Cr normal/low P normal Mg low albumin High PTH normal Cr Normal/low P normal Mg High PTH high Cr normal/high P normal Mg
Hypo-parathyroidism Magnesium deficiency Hypo-albuminemia check vitamin D deficiency Renal Disease Or pseudo-hypo-parathyroidism

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